Photo Signer is an App now available in the Windows Phone App Market for you to download. It has some amazingly cool effects and functions which many of the Apps in the Windows Phone App Market does not provide. Also for only 2 weeks it has been released the developer has already released one update and it make sure there will be lots of new effects added to it in future frequently and it will get better and better.
The Interface of Photo Signer is really amazingly user friendly and attractively build. Any one can simply select any effect they needed to be added to their photo by hundreds of effects available and and any function you would like as Crop , brightness(+|-) , Save , Take Image by Camera , Browse from Image Gallery, Upload to FaceBook, Help Options, Redo Undo your Paintings and more.
Unique Features Of Photo Signer
1) Sign Images - Ability to Put your original signature in the images as you can see in Example1 and Example2. You can choose any color by color picker available in Photo Signer and redo undo the signature in case of any mistake.
2) Blended Effects - Ability to Blend effects and create your own nice and amazing effects. You can simply apply two or more effects to the image at the same time so that the number of effects you can generate from using the App will be multiplied from hundreds to thousands. .Example1 , Example2 , Example3 .
3) Coolest Effects - Are you are surprised if i say some effect in Photo Signer are not even available in Photoshop ? Yes. I am not boasting if i say this. Some of the coolest effects in the App like KeepRed / Keep Green / Keep Blue like effects are even not in Photoshop. Example1 , Example2 , Example3 , Example4
4) Multicolored Frames - This is another killer feature in the App where you can add unlimited number of colors to your frames and there are two frame styles available to you as multicolored and single colored frames. Example1 , Example2 , Example3
5) Cool Interface - The interface of Photo Signer is really attractive and simple for the user. There is Nothing Complicated about the Interface for you. It is one of the coolest in the Market. Example
6) Assistance - The developer of Photo Signer is always open for your positive and negative feedback. If you face any problem with using the App you can simply go to our Fan Page and add your comments and you will instantly get the reply from me.
7) Selected Area - Ability to add the effects to only a one selected area is another good addition to the App in the update 1 . You can simply select the area you want to add the effect and apply the effect to only that area. So it allow you to make more creative effects. Example
Other Features
a) The App enables the social media support. You can simply share the image you edited in Facebook instantly by using Photo Signer.
b) Crop Image - The crop function is really a enhanced function in the App as first you can move the crop rectangle to any place you like in the image and then click on the rectangle once which will allow you to re-size the rectangle. And After selecting the correct area to crop you can double click in the rectangle to crop the selected area.
c) Effects - As described earlier you have thousands of effects to select in Photo Signer and some amazingly cool effects can be generated.
4) Save the edited photo of you in your phone is another feature.
5) You can either insert a image captured by camera while From the app or browse from the image gallery in the phone to edit.